BBSAP™ Backpack Ballistic Soft Armor Panel

Everyday protection made easy

The perfect solution for those who want to have everyday armor protection without wanting to wear a traditional vest.

Our soft armor backpack insert allows you to easily convert almost any bag into a personal ballistic shield. Despite its low weight, our armor panel effectively protects from common threats such as handguns and fragmentation.

Adapt To Your Environment

Our soft armor panels cover a wide range of ballistic threats from handguns to explosive fragmentation – find which protection level suits your needs.

Low Profile Ballistic Panel

Our ballistic panels are thin enough to be placed virtually anywhere, taking up so little space and weight that they’re quickly forgotten. Cut to fit in a standard laptop pouch/bag, and any size backpack, there is no excuse to never be protected.

Know Your Armor

Your armor could save your life, so know it like the back of your hand. Our soft armor is composed of lightweight, extremely flexible, and seriously durable UHMWPE – providing the perfect balance between protection and comfort.

ETA Jun. 13 - Jul. 15
% Off
SASP™ Soft Armor Sample Pad UHMWPE
No available colors
ETA Jun. 13 - Jul. 15
Protection level
  • Type IIA
  • Type II
  • Type IIIA
In stock

Tech specs

Ballistic performance


.44 Magnum 240 gr SJHP/SWC
.357 SIG 125/158 gr FMJ
7.62×25 Tokarev SJRN FNH
9 mm 50 gr Liberty Civil Defense
9 mm 127 gr Ranger SXT +P+
.45 ACP 230 gr TMJ
FN 5.7×28 40 gr SS197
5.7×28 SS197SR
5.7×28 SS195LF

Type II

9 mm 124 gr FMJ RN
.357 Magnum 158 gr JSP
9×18 mm Stechkin MSC

Type IIA

9 mm 124 gr FMJ RN
.40 S&W 180 gr FMJ
9×18 mm Makarov MSC

Use trauma pad to reduce BFD <44mm


This product has been independently tested by an NIJ-approved laboratory according to the NIJ Standard 0106.01, and also in certified laboratories according to STANAG 2920 (V50 fragmentation) and DSTU 8835:2019 against Soviet/Russian ammunition

Chad Brown
27 Jan 2021
Can be balanced to perfection and flexes easily to any backpack. I moved it from a regular army-issue to the one I use for biking and it slid in like a glove in the back pocket.
Mel Richards
27 Jan 2021
Not only for backpacks, but purses and regular clothes as well. A smart way to protect what you need when there are no other options like in the summer.
15 Dec 2020
They gwork as intended. But installation needs to be fixed or they will flop

BBSAP™ Backpack Ballistic Soft Armor Panel

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